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1/14/03 Minutes
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:10 P.M. in the 3rd floor training room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Ellen Wilson, peter Gabak, Mike Deming, Jim Hutchinson, Sam Swan, Betty Lewis and staff member Alicia McKeen.

2. Approval of Minutes:  Motion to approve the minutes of December 10, 2002 made by Sam Swan, seconded by Peter Gabak.  All votes in favor.  Minutes accepted.  

3. Certificate of Appropriateness:      

A.      6 Fitch Ave – Kevin Hoey with Mike Palmeri architect. Owner states project is to remove existing rear porch and erect 2-story addition to hold master bath on 2nd floor and porch and family room on 1st floor.  This would also provide a better flow of the house.

Peter asks if this would be seen from the street straight on. (no)  Also asks what materials will be used (similar to shake shingles)

Mike Deming asks what the problem with the porch is.  Owner states that it is mostly dry rotted now.  Mike asks if anything can be incorporated or saved. Owner states they will save what they can.

General discussion on the Secretary of Interior Standards.

Peter – Motion to approve

Mike – asks what the windows will be

Owner – Vinyl replacement, there are some original on the house & some triple track.

Mike – everything should be listed material wise.  What about soffits? (wood). Windows will look similar.

Owner – they will look identical.

Peter – street scene doesn’t change.

Ellen Wilson – seconds motion for approval.

All members vote in favor.  Motion approved.

B.  96 South St. – Joseph Wolczyk – masonry repointing of entire brick building and sealing of brick that was previously sandblasted.

Mike Deming – questions if this is within the jurisdiction of HRRB.

Sam Swan – Entire house is to be repointed.  Sealer should be clear.

Mike – warns that sealer may soak into brick because of dryness and ruin brick.

Peter – expresses concern that it all look uniform.

Mike – recommends matching existing color mortar – should be uniform, matching in strength, color and appearance.  Recommends checking with Secretary of Interior products brief for sealers.

Motion to approve by Sam Swan, seconded by Jim Hutchinson.  All members vote in favor.  Motion approved.

C. 21 Grover St. – Robert Mitchell – rear basement stair well area repair with limestone wall repointing and new bilco type basement door to replace exterior deteriorated door under rear exterior stairs.  Issued by Mike Long.

D.  80 South St. – Michael O’Gorman – 8 windows replace on the south elevation to match previously replace windows, new storm door, rear door and railing.  Issued by Mike Long.

E.  134 South St. – Dr. Chafee Replacement in-kind of asphalt roof to match existing, copper gutters, existing.  Issued by Steve Lynch.

Motion to accept previously issued Certificates by Mike Long and Steve Lynch made by Peter Gabak, seconded by Ellen Wilson.  All members vote approval.  Motion approved.


4. Other matters.  
A.      Mike Deming states that Mike Long spoke with Mike Cuddy, Jr. about adding a few stories to the South St. video.

B.      Mike Deming states that there was a SHPO meeting at Willard Chapel where the video “Defensible Decision Making” was shown.  General discussion concerning the video.

C.      General discussion concerning obtaining reconnaissance and intensive survey grants.

D.      Mike re: 107 South St. – since Codes had previously sent a letter concerning the 2nd floor porch fence a letter to Codes will be sent by HRRB for a follow up.  Pete mentions the fence at 1st Pres. on South St.  Mike wants to incorporate an expiration date on Certificates.  Peter states the pillars at Roselawn need to be pointed.

4. Adjournment: Next meeting February 11, 2003 at Memorial City Hall at 7:00 p.m. – third floor training room. Motion to adjourn made by Peter Gabak, seconded by Sam Swan.  All members vote approval.  

Meeting adjourned 7:55 p.m.

Recorded by: Alicia McKeen